What Does God Say About Science?
Can it confirm His principles?
In today’s days, knowledge and science, in general, have been advancing in a faster way than ever before. There are discoveries new to us that we never knew before, and medicine and technology take giant steps. It looks like the man is opening his eyes to many truths around him. Still, there is only one truth that he still stays blinded to. This is the truth of God—the one above all the other realities and truths.
There is an idea coming to people with the advance of science. The idea is that they don’t need God anymore, and He doesn’t fit with all these new discoveries and limits man has arrived at. People now think that just by knowing something more, they hold the answers to everything, and even if there are still some issues and situations they cannot get over, they eventually will do so by advancing more. This is the thought and idea of humankind today: a concept of autonomy and independence. Independence from God our Creator.
But this is wrong as we were meant to be with Him; without Him, we are incomplete and perish. This is the idea the people had since the beginning of the past by building the tower of Babel.
“And they said, “Come, let us build ourselves a city, and a tower whose top is in the heavens; let us make a name for ourselves, lest we be scattered abroad over the face of the whole earth.” (Genesis 11:4)
Exactly the same is happening now in these days. People are getting united, but not in the name of God. They do that to show their independence and autonomy. As humans, we became overconfident with our capabilities and things we’ve learned, not realizing God is the one who actually gave us these capabilities not for our own purposes but for His glory. God created us with capabilities, but we eventually used them for the wrong reasons because of not having communion with God and being blinded by the prince of this world.
Even though men see there is always something they cannot fight with or overcome, they still hope that they will get better and overcome it with time. They do that instead of looking for a solution by placing their sight on the One who created them – God the Father.
The science and the new discoveries, however, don’t take us away from God; I mean that they don’t actually contradict Him, but instead, they just confirm His existence and greatness if looked in the right way. It is true that people in the past used to explain many things happening around them with God’s presence, and today, we have many other different explanations, but those people were actually right. They used to explain it in a simple way, because they were simple and didn’t have the knowledge we have today.
Today, we can also explain God’s truth even in a more detailed and complex way because we have more knowledge. More knowledge about science and more knowledge about the Bible. We can even explain science through the Bible if we have the right scientific knowledge and competence. In today’s days, we have His complete word—the Bible, and many of us can easily possess it. We can do that instead of joining the others in doubting and questioning the truth, thinking that the discoveries and new perspectives of human knowledge and science contradict God. They contradict it because we contradict Him. It is a question of how we see it, and from which point of view we see it. If we want to hide the truth, we will use each reason and pretext to do it, but if we want to see it, we will admit it.
There is a wrong way to look at science and false science, and there is also a right way to look at it.
“O Timothy! Guard what was committed to your trust, avoiding the profane and idle babblings and contradictions of what is falsely called knowledge – by professing it some have strayed concerning the faith.” (1 Timothy 6:20, 21)
We see here in this verse Paul warning Timothy about what is falsely called knowledge. This is the knowledge that is actually being corrupted by our carnal mind, which is influenced by sin and by nature doesn’t believe. We can say that speaking about knowledge, this verse also refers to the science of our days because science obviously has to do with the knowledge that is systematically organized on a particular subject.
Today, we can also explain God’s existence through the things we came to know in science, for example, instead of hardening ourselves and using that knowledge to contradict Him. The people in the past used to explain most things happening around them and natural events with God’s intervention. Today we know so much about how things are formed and how the elements and molecules join together, and we think that that’s why things happen, but we still don’t know who commanded them to join in this way and who gave them that energy, strength, and form. Nothing that we see is there by coincidence. We can see perfect forms and perfect shapes. We can see beauty in nature and the design behind it. This doesn’t happen by coincidence or accident, and we still can’t explain most of it. Scientists don’t have exact answers.
God is faithful with the least of the details
Having discovered something new in the most miniature and microscopic way, people and scientists confirm how God cares about even the smallest details. He is involved in all aspects of creation.
“He who is faithful in what is least is faithful also in much; and he who is unjust in what is least is unjust also in much.” (Luke 16:10)
This is what He says we as people need to do—to be faithful in what is least, but He is the one who actually is doing it first. All the things He is telling us to do are because He is like this; He is doing those things. If, for example, He tells us to be righteous, it is because He is righteous; if He tells us to love, it is because He loves. Same, if He tells us to be faithful with the least things, it is because He is faithful and mindful of the least details, and He created everything to perfection, from the least to the greatest detail. This is the reason why He cares for us being so small compared to the greatness of everything else He created. He sees importance and greatness in each detail, and for Him, there is nothing more or less important or something greater than others in His creation.
“Are not two sparrows sold for a copper coin? And not one of them falls to the ground apart from your Father’s will. But the very hairs of your head are all numbered.” (Matthew 10:29, 30)
His mind is so vast and great. He cares about us, who are also so small compared to all of His creation.
The clever way in which we are made
When someone discovers a new planet, a solar system, or a galaxy, he doesn’t prove anything against God, but on the contrary, he just shows how great our God is. He is as great as the universe and even more because He created it. All these scientific discoveries don’t prove anything against God because He stays behind all the things we are surrounded with, and the discoveries confirm His perfection. He knows about chemical reactions, molecules, and atoms, how our body is made, and how our organs function. He knows the way our brain works and sends signals to the rest of our body. He knows it because He created it.
Psalm 139:13-16 says:
13 For You formed my inward parts;
You covered me in my mother’s womb.
14 I will praise You, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made;
Marvelous are Your works,
And that my soul knows very well.
15 My frame was not hidden from You,
When I was made in secret,
And skillfully wrought in the lowest parts of the earth.
16 Your eyes saw my substance, being yet unformed.
And in Your book they all were written,
The days fashioned for me,
When as yet there were none of them.
Today, we know the complex way in which we are made. There are things and parts of our body structure and organs, like the brain, that scientists haven’t fully explained and discovered. But still, the psalmist said in that time that we are “fearfully and wonderfully made.” This perfect machine, the perfect structure of our body, was fashioned by our Creator in secret, in the lowest part of the earth. He formed our inward parts to the last detail. Today scientists are discovering how our body works and functions, but our Creator already knew all this long time ago because He formed it.
We can only see how perfectly it works. Everything there is with a purpose.
Somebody can say that by instinct, our body and other living organisms protect themselves, live, learn to survive, and adapt, but who actually gave them that? Who gave them that intelligence? Because this is an intelligent process that occurs in living organisms and doesn’t happen by accident. It is not a fruit of it. When our body detects a virus or something foreign in its system, it automatically fights it and sends white blood cells to protect it. This is something intelligent, something logical. We see we are made in a clever way. Why? Because the greatest mind of the universe stands behind it.
There are natural barriers and an immune system designed to defend our body from foreign organisms that can cause an infection. Natural barriers include the skin, mucous membranes, tears, earwax, mucus, and stomach acid. There are white blood cells and antibodies used by our immune system to identify and eliminate organisms that get through the body’s natural barriers. We see the way we are created. The most perfect machines today cannot match our bodies.
The atoms and the solar system
We can see the creation and the perfection with which God did it, to the smallest detail as well. The structure of an atom, for example. The atoms altogether form a molecule.
The whole creation and nature in general (the one undefiled by man) are placed there in perfect order.
Looking also at the universe, we see stars, planets, and a solar system placed perfectly and in a specific way. It has nothing to do with an explosion or just throwing everything into chaos. Somebody with a mind having a design stands behind it. Even if we go to the minor details microscopically speaking, we will see molecules, atoms, and all other small particles placed in an order that is also very similar to how a solar system works—it explains that the same mind stands behind it. This image here shows the structure of an atom.

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Each molecule is composed of atoms that hold each other. There are different kinds of atoms, but almost all of them are composed of neutrons and protons that form the nucleus and electrons that circle around it in a very similar way as planets do around the sun. If I am correct, there are cases where each electron has its own unique orbit, the same as the planets. The following image, instead, shows a model of a solar system.

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