The New World Order
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Babylon and the last times
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The world's good intentions
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                         About the new world order

The so-called “new world order” is a delicate topic. When I mention this phrase, I am not referring to any group or organization in particular but to the general idea and movement of the world today and in the future. Many people have expressed themselves on this topic and have speculated about how things could be in this world in the future. I am not saying they are wrong, but on the contrary, I think some of them are right. I am not saying either that everything I am talking about will occur exactly the way I think it will. This is just a reflection on the present situation through the light of the Scriptures.

We mustn’t only look at what could or will happen in the world in order to see the future, but rather we have to see what is already happening and how its system works. Through this, we can have an idea of how the future will be. Things definitely have changed in the past years and decades, not only with the progress and development of technology but also with the idea and philosophy of this world.

In recent years, the world has been trying to remove God from culture, education, entertainment, sports, and much more, and this is where the problem lies. It is not in the development or the progress we are making but in the fact that we are intentionally turning away from God, although there are still people who love and believe in God.

In past times, maybe even a couple of decades ago, God was much more involved in the educational system and the standard values of life. A child was educated to know about God’s existence. That doesn’t mean that everything people from that time were doing was right because surely there were people who didn’t walk with God and teach His values and virtues correctly. That probably let the devil take more space and influence people with his destructive ideas because not comprehending and announcing the gospel in the right way leaves room for the devil to influence and give more reasons to people not to believe.

Still, the culture, in general, was more God oriented in the past. Slowly, the idea that this is old-fashioned influenced people, and they started to put the name and values of God aside. All of this obviously was influenced by the devil, as we know that this world is under his rule. Obviously, everything is under God’s rule, but the devil is the one behind the ideas and movements of this world. We know that his purpose is to take God off of His throne, but he will never be able to do that. In Satan’s mind, he is convinced that he can turn people away from God and win the battle, but we know he will never succeed, and he will be defeated.

We know that people from the past were not all saints and sinned like all humans do. But the culture and education stood more behind God’s values. Whether people believed or not, they knew clearly what was wrong and good, what pleased God and what did not.

Think of this: If we take away the One who defines what is wrong and what is not, then slowly but surely, we will also lose the sense and the meaning of doing what is right. I am speaking about society in general. What happens in today’s society is that things that for a long time have been considered wrong and uncommon are now considered normal. We still know that these things can damage us, but now they are more like a kind of choice that each one has to make. It is like each person is free to do whatever suits him without being judged by anyone because if someone tells him he might be wrong or warns him about something, it means that he is entering his space and violating his rights.

But whose rights are we discussing, and which are the most important? Of course, human rights are important, but they need to be submitted under God’s rule because if today we can feel human, it is because of God. He makes us real human beings, as we were designed to be. With Him, we are complete. There is one way set already that is good for everyone, not just as an idea, but for life itself. This is God’s way, and even if we don’t want to admit it, we are supposed to be part of God and His kingdom. We are created by Him.

 © [Anton Gvozdikov]/AbodeStock

People today can do most of the things considered taboo earlier, but the problem is that no one is warning them that these things and activities will damage them because they are wrong. We need to know that God didn’t invent the commandments because He wanted to invent some rules just for the sake of it. He didn’t do that just to enjoy something but for our own good because each wrong we do actually damages us; it hurts us. And He doesn’t want us to get hurt. He knows us better than anyone and that’s why He wants to save us and give us the best.

Today the world is moving in one direction. There is this oneness and unity, and as soon as something new is accepted by someone or by some country, it is soon accepted by everyone else. I am not talking about unity amongst all nations. This is not happening yet. Still, there is this kind of unity and oneness of ideas being accepted by the vast majority. Now we see that some drugs, for example, have been legalized. Prostitution is also legal in some countries. Things that obviously have been done since the beginning of societies, but the difference is that people before at least knew that those things were wrong. I mean, they knew clearly that they were in the wrong while doing those things.

Choosing immoral activities today is considered nothing more than the choices everyone can make in life. The difference is that when you know something is wrong, you can at least acknowledge it as something wrong and as a sin and repent. The Bible tells us that this is the reason the law is needed. “But we know that the law is good if one uses it lawfully” (1 Timothy 1:8). We read in Galatians 3:24, “Therefore the law was our tutor to bring us to Christ, that we might be justified by faith.”

This is the purpose of the law: to show us the reality of sin, to reveal our sin so that we can know we’ve broken His laws and repent. But how can someone do that today if many of the things that are wrong in God’s eyes are considered right? Who will be brave enough to reveal to people their wrong deeds and show them that they are wrong? It cannot be done easily in our days because it is considered entering someone’s private space and judging his rights. These are today’s greatest values—human rights. Human rights have been violated in the past and still are today in many parts of the world, and as a result, people today are trying to defend as much as possible those rights but doing it in their own way and excluding the One who really can help us to do that.

There have also been people doing things in the name of God incorrectly, which has resulted in turning away from and rejecting of the truth and placing human rights in the first place. This happens when the truth is not followed and lived out in the right way. Of course, abuse of human rights in the past was wrong, but now we have gone to the other extreme, and much harm comes from the so-called rights to live any way you wish without regard for right and wrong as taught in the Bible.

Legalization of what was considered wrong, such as prostitution and certain drugs, may seem to make things easier for the governments as they control this activity and collect massive fees from it, with people doing it out in the open instead of hiding. The income from these activities goes directly into the pockets of the governments and the whole system that runs them.

Legalizing activities that have been considered wrong throughout history gives the appearance of having the activities more controlled and monitored. Across the world, this kind of system is being pushed. Globalization is definitely here and spreading. Many countries are following the example of others on how laws and governance must be applied. All this gives the appearance that if it is legal, it must be okay to do. It takes away people’s ability to know right from wrong if they don’t have a solid standard based on truth, the Bible, to inform them.

And this is the problem. I don’t want to be a pessimist, but if what was considered taboo thirty years ago and now is “normal,” what will happen in the future with what now is still considered taboo? That is a horrifying thought when you think of young people and what will be done to them and what they will be allowed to do to themselves. What kind of country can survive when its people are all destroyed by the immorality of one kind or another? Will everything just be a matter of choice? Like abortion and divorce were considered unacceptable in the past, but allowed today, we can think of murder or child abuse, which is considered unthinkable and unacceptable today, but we don’t know how things will unfold in the future.

This is a scary thought, and I hope I am wrong, but it might happen if so-called human rights to choose, allow individuals to think that anything they “choose” is right for them, and this is what is most important today. Matthew 24:12 says that in the last times, lawlessness will increase. We can see it happening today. “And because lawlessness will abound, the love of many will grow cold. But he who endures to the end shall be saved. And this gospel of the kingdom will be preached in all the world as a witness to all the nations, and then the end will come” (Matthew 24:12-14). Come quickly, Lord Jesus.

I believe lawlessness in God’s eyes is something He sees as lawlessness in His eyes. Something that goes against His laws and principles. This is not necessarily something considered wrong before human tribunals because men’s laws have changed in this past time and will keep on changing. We often see today that what is considered right according to human laws is actually wrong before God. By this, we can conclude that the lawlessness about which Matthew 24 speaks will probably not be lawlessness or something wrong in the view of human authority and their law system, but before God. There will also be a lack of the law, a lack of God’s Word to guide people and to determine right and wrong and guide people in the right way. So, there might be people in those days who practice lawlessness; that is something wrong in front of God, but not wrong according to men's law. And why? Because this will be the way and direction the world will go, as we already see now, totally against God’s law.

We can add to this same-sex marriage, something against our nature and the way God established things to be is now considered normal, a matter of choice, human choice. I am not saying that God doesn’t love the homosexuals or that we need to reject them. On the contrary, we need to show them God’s love and let them know there is still an opportunity for them to repent. They need that like anyone else on this planet because everyone is a sinner and needs to repent and accept the truth.

There is nothing wrong with being united because the Bible speaks about getting united but for the right cause, in the name of Jesus. But some people do that, but in the name of humanity, or of man, rejecting and leaving God aside. Something similar happened a long time ago when the people were trying to build the tower of Babel.

“Now the whole earth had one language and one speech. And it came to pass, as they journeyed from the east, that they found a plain in the land of Shinar, and they dwelt there. Then they said to one another, “Come, let us make bricks and bake them thoroughly.” They had brick for stone, and they had asphalt for mortar. And they said, ”Come let us build ourselves a city, and a tower whose top is in the heavens; let us make a name for ourselves, lest we be scattered abroad over the face of the whole earth.””(Genesis 11:1-4)

From the following verses, we know that after this, God confused their language, and they couldn’t understand each other any longer. All of this was because they were not united in the right way and with the right purpose. The Bible says that they wanted to make a name for themselves, meaning they wanted to do it for their glory and be like God.

Something very similar is happening now. People are getting united. It hasn’t happened yet, but this is their ultimate desire and vision for the future. There is this sense of unity. We see it and we hear about it everywhere. Humanity has set this goal in front of them. There is nothing wrong with being united; I am not saying anything against it. I am just discussing the reason for which humankind is getting together. People indeed will be united one day, where no nation and no color will be important, and all of them will be one in the name of the Lord, but this will be in heaven, and there they will be together in the name of the Lord. What is wrong is when people get united in their own name and exclude the Lord. It is when the general movement of this unity excludes Him and encourages whoever belongs to this movement to do the same.

The problem is that this movement goes in the opposite direction of the Lord’s principles and teachings. So, if someone would like to believe in God, he or she will be suppressed, and if the majority of the world goes in that direction away from God, it will be difficult for someone to hear the Word and believe. How is that someone believes? It happens when he hears the Word; he hears about God who is mighty to save. The gospel is meant to be shared. The culture in which we live is of huge importance. If our culture has Christian values and the gospel has been shared, people will obviously hear about God and believe. But if the culture or the educational system doesn’t allow this to happen, fewer people will obviously accept and believe. Cultural influence regarding Christianity is not everything because, on one side, people can get used to it and take it for granted, but it is obviously important because if we don’t have it, the risk is that fewer people will hear clearly about the truth and be able to consider it important.

Obviously, I am speaking of what might happen in the future, but the way things are going it looks like this time is close. The influence and the environment in which we live play an important part. It is important that there is Christian education and influence in our society. This is not all, but it is necessary. How will people learn of or consider the love of God if the widespread belief in these present times is to be selfish and look out only for yourself? Of course, people will not always plainly say you need to be selfish, but they say, “You can be whatever you want, you only need to pursue your idea and your dreams.”

Having ambitions and dreams is not wrong but encouraging people to be and do whatever they want without regard for others and whether what they do might hurt or offend them, is wrong. It is selfish to do whatever we want without regard for others and God. Obviously, God doesn’t want us only to suffer and not feel pleasure at all. The pleasure is included in His will. We also feel real pleasure when we please Him with our lives. But the pleasure the world promises us if we follow its ideas is not good. We feel much better when we experience the pleasure of being with God and serving and pleasing Him. Without Him, our lives are not complete. He is the missing part in us.

I know that it sounds as a high expectation, but I have to say that Christians are needed even in politics, although some would disagree. The United States, for example, was founded on biblical principles intended to make it a godly nation, and Christians need to be active and participate today so that godly values and influence can be brought to bear. God calls us to influence society in a positive way toward the gospel.

That’s why believers are called the salt and the light of this world. Obviously, in the times in which we are living, this can be difficult to do because governments are linked with the world movement and where it is leading. In the past, Christians had the opportunity to hold important roles and places in society in order to influence the people in a positive and Christian way. Still, now the Christian worldview is often not welcome in the public arena.

Also, some people say that religion is harmful and can cause wars and violence. God is against violence and suffering, and He offers all of us, no matter what we have done, forgiveness through Jesus if we repent and turn to Him. Nevertheless, some believe religion is the main reason for conflicts and violence and want to remove it from society. Their attempt to do this is a problem for humankind in their lives and before God.

Seeing all of this, we can conclude that the end is approaching. We cannot say when exactly, and maybe it won’t happen tomorrow. Maybe there will still be a couple of generations, or maybe not; we don’t know, but the way things are going, we can see these end-times events approaching.

The end will come when there is complete ungodliness and lawlessness is at its peak. This is the direction in which the world is going. By lawlessness, I don’t mean only havoc and criminal activity but actions and activities that go against the law of God throughout the world system.

What is evil has become good for us, and what good, evil, as the Bible says in Isaiah 5:20: “Woe unto them that call evil good, and good evil; that put darkness for light, and light for darkness; that put bitter for sweet, and sweet for bitter!”

These are the signs defining that the end times are approaching, not only the new viruses and wars coming onto the scene. We know that these things have always been happening and will continue, but the greatest evidence is the way this world reasons and the direction it is going. When the virus came first (I am referring to Covid 19), many people thought it was evidence of the end, but it could be a sign of that as well as it could be a sign of something else. What really shows us that the end is approaching is the way the human race reasons and the general ideas accepted by the world today. Man has obviously sinned, but the current ideas that exclude God are now being promoted by both society and the law. That makes the difference.

I am speaking about the law given to us by the authorities. I am not promoting rebellion against the authorities, as the Bible says we need to be submitted to them, but here is my point. In general, each country and state have their own regulations and laws, but with time these regulations have become generalized and globalized. In a way, right and wrong are dictated by what the general worldwide movement dictates. The pressure is too much when a government or structure decides something important apart from the others.

The law that we used to know is slowly being modified by what society and the world movement are doing. The question is that we as humans don’t have a limit. We go too much to one limit or too much to the other. Speaking about laws and regulations, people have been either too strict or too loose. We are witnessing this now: people were perhaps too conservative in the past, and now they have gone to the other limit. This happens when we are not led by the Spirit of God, who brings an understanding of how to apply the law of God correctly. The law and regulations we find in the Bible should be enough to allow our society to live in peace if applied properly.

Men have tried to apply these same laws, but not in the right way, pushing people away from the truth instead of bringing them closer. Now people are going to the other limit, being overly liberal in some cases where disobedience is tolerated and even encouraged, thinking that this will sort out the situation. I admit that people have been extreme and overly strict with their lifestyle before, but now it is the other way around.

What we need instead is to apply this in a balanced way and with understanding. Human rights have been trampled in the past—women have been abused, and kids have been exploited, things that today we obviously condemn. This is the other extreme, and sometimes people who called themselves men of God have mistaken parts of the Bible and acted like dictators in their families. This doesn’t mean that kids shouldn’t respect their parents or women their husbands as also the husbands need to take care of their families and love them as Christ did the church.

The Bible warns us about how some people will act in the last days: “But know this, that in the last days perilous times will come: For men will be lovers of themselves, lovers of money, boasters, proud, blasphemers, disobedient to parents, unthankful, unholy, unloving, unforgiving, slanderers, without self-control, brutal, despisers of good, traitors, headstrong, haughty, lovers of pleasure rather than lovers of God, having a form of godliness but denying its power. And from such people turn away!” (2 Timothy 3:1-5).

Here the apostle Paul describes how people will be in the last days, and it sounds very much like our society in general today. I am not saying all the people are this way, but that this is the general idea of how people behave today. The way the culture and the world are going is a sign of the end times. Usually, when the signs of the end times are discussed, people refer to wars and pestilences, something we are going through now, but we also need to know that there have been wars and pestilences throughout history. Of course, in the last times, they will be more concentrated, but these are not the main signs and not the only reason the end will come.

The main reason that triggers all the rest of the events is the way people live and behave—far from God. This is the reason wars happen, and God will not be able to bear with people anymore, because of the increased iniquity and lawlessness. This is what happened to Sodom and Gomorrah long ago.

In past times, only people in some places behaved in an extremely sinful way. But today, because of globalization and the easily transmitted influence, almost the whole world is following the same direction.

People have always sinned and behaved in the way described in 2 Timothy 3:1-5, but the difference is that today this kind of behavior is transmitted, accepted, and promoted by society. We can even say that these are some of the values in today’s days. Through movies, media and entertainment is promoted to be unforgiving and revenge. Adultery also looks like something common, and it is promoted too. Certain things that were widely deemed to be wrong are not considered wrong anymore. In the past, people were ashamed and hid certain wrong actions they did, while today, they do them openly because there is no law or morality to tell them it is wrong. This leads us to think we are on the way to the end.

This is about the abomination of the desolation standing in the holy place, which Daniel speaks about in Daniel 11:31, and it is also mentioned in the Gospels, including in Matthew 24:15. We don’t know for sure if this verse refers to the antichrist himself or just sin and the way it will be exalted by society because speaking about something standing on the holy place means that this thing will stand in place of God and will be exalted instead of Him. This will also provoke the desolation, meaning that God will totally leave the people on their own. Then the end will come soon. We are probably not living yet in these times, but we see how certain things that are sinful are being exalted.

“Righteousness exalts a nation, but sin is a reproach to any people” (Proverbs 14:34).

Why do the nations rage,

And the people plot a vain thing?

The kings of the earth set themselves,

And the rulers take counsel together,

Against the LORD and against His Anointed, saying,

“Let us break Their bonds in pieces

And cast away Their cords from us.”

He who sits in the heavens shall laugh;

The Lord shall hold them in derision.

Then He shall speak to them in His wrath,

And distress them in His deep displeasure:

“Yet I have set My King

On My holy hill of Zion.”

“I will declare the decree:

The LORD has said to Me,

‘You are My Son,

Today I have begotten You.

Ask of Me, and I will give You

The nations for Your inheritance,

And the ends of the earth for Your possession.

You shall break them with a rod of iron;

You shall dash them to pieces like a potter’s vessel.’ ”

Now therefore, be wise, O kings;

Be instructed, you judges of the earth.

Serve the LORD with fear,

And rejoice with trembling.

Kiss the Son, lest He be angry,

And you perish in the way,

When His wrath is kindled but a little.

Blessed are all those who put their trust in Him. (Psalm 2:1-12)

This is what the nations have always desired to do and today more than ever—to stray from the Lord and be independent of Him, to be as far from Him as they can be. Even if they don’t fully realize it, the human spirit in them is against Him and continuously strays from the Lord. This is what our flesh wants to do—to live for itself instead of believing in and submitting to the Lord. It is the spirit of this world and the evil coming from the devil, but our own beings and flesh also stray from the Lord.

Both individuals and the nations as a whole all want to stray from the Lord. Because a nation is composed of persons, the spirit and the ideology of these persons will define that nation. He wants to reach each one of those nations. And this is what will happen: He will bring justice to those who have been against His laws and statutes but will bring eternal peace to those who have believed in His name and honored Him.

“And the nations were enraged, and Your wrath came, and the time came for the dead to be judged, and the time to reward Your bondservants the prophets and the saints and those who fear Your name, the small and the great, and to destroy those who destroy the earth” (Revelation 11:18).

One day every tongue will confess that Jesus is the Lord, and every knee will bow and acknowledge Him. What will remain of these nations in heaven, will be those who have believed and accepted Him. They will be saved and live in the Holy City, in the new Jerusalem coming down of heaven from God. “Yes, all kings shall fall down before Him; all the nations shall serve Him” (Psalm 72:11).

“His name shall endure forever; His name shall continue as long as the sun. And men shall be blessed in Him; all nations shall call Him blessed” (Psalm 72:17).

When I speak about a new world order, I am not referring to any particular group or society that will establish it. Even if there are groups or societies that want to do that, it is not actually them doing it, but the spirit of this world who lives in the sons of disobedience who do not know God as Ephesians 2:2 states: “In which you once walked according to the course of this world, according to the prince of the power of the air, the spirit who now works in the sons of disobedience.”

And this, in general, is everyone who doesn’t know God and doesn’t have His Spirit in his heart. Someone might be thinking that the present condition we are in is the fault of some group or persons or a country or society, and if they were not there, things would be better. Our battle, though, as Ephesians 6:12 describes it, is not against flesh or blood, meaning that it is not against persons, and it is not their fault. It is the spirit of this world, the spirit of the air, that moves all of these people and world rulers, and also other common people, to make the decisions they are making. If they were not there, then surely someone else would do it. However, this new world movement wants to exclude God from society and culture in general.

More than any other religion, Christianity has been restricted and has suffered assaults in the past and today. We are not speaking about places where Christianity is openly persecuted, but even places where Christianity has been the main belief. It appears that everyone has rights, but often it is not so when it comes to the Christian faith.

Today we can also see something else coming on the political scene. Obviously, as we said, it is not just political parties or ideologies we are talking about here, but the spirit behind those beliefs. We see that the world is busy directing itself toward a socialistic movement. Why am I saying that? Because we see a kind of unity and desire for social justice and equality, although till now, socialism and communism have proved not to be able to accomplish that. Millions have been murdered under these ideologies. But there are some good values we can find in socialism such as equity, justice and unity, and this doesn’t sound bad at all. The problem is that they wanted to achieve it through men’s wisdom and vision, excluding God, and this is where the corruption came. It is impossible to achieve those values in a society without Him. He is the real author of unity and justice. They come from Him, and any other attempt to achieve them will result in failure. This is what also happened with communism in the past. This is the reason for its failure. I am not expressing myself directly against it; I am against the spirit behind it. The problem, as we said, is when you exclude God. It was God who started unity and equality, as we read in the book of Acts. There we see the first believers breaking bread together and sharing all of their possessions amongst themselves (Acts 4:34).

“For I do not mean that others should be eased, and you burdened; but by an equality, that now at this time your abundance may supply their lack, that their abundance also may supply your lack – that there may be equality. As it is written, ‘He who gathered much had nothing left over, and he who gathered little had no lack’ ” (2 Corinthians 8:13-15).

Later in history, people took this idea and created communism and socialism, but without placing God in the center. On the contrary, they excluded Him. And when you don’t place Him in the center, then problems and confusion come. Then it becomes an idea built just on a human ideology.

Many political parties have good ideas; the problem is that God has been left aside. These ideas of socialism and communism have always been against the belief in God and the Christian faith. Today we see that it looks like this kind of ideology is coming back, not in the same form as it was before, but with the same principles.

Why? Because everyone craves unity, and they think this is the way to accomplish it. The desire of people for the future is to subject everything to one system. Something else that the world aims at today is one world currency and having in this way everything centralized into one banking system, and this is pretty much the same as it was at the time of communism when there was a central bank that was managing everything under the rule of the state. That one wasn’t of much success, but today humanity has advanced, and having one world currency will apparently ease the trade between countries and will have everything under control to prevent unnecessary debts and fraud. Having almost everything digitalized today could also make this possible. All this, as the other ideas the world is having, sounds really nice, and this is what will draw people toward this idea, but at the same time, it is the purpose and the idea standing behind it that are not right. This in a way, is paving the way to the idea of the antichrist with the mark of the beast described in the book of Revelation 13:16, 17. Without the mark no one will be able to buy or sell and this points out to something like one world currency. I am not saying that one world monetary system is straight away the mark of the beast, but it is something that probably precedes it. I am not pointing either which exactly will be this mark, but I am just stating that what we see now, I mean the desire people are having now and the direction in which the world goes, could be the beginning. I think that obviously when that time comes, the believers will be aware, and all of this will have to do with the worship toward one system, idea and a person who will be the antichrist. This is just a theory, and I am not saying it will be exactly this way, but I am just observing the present situation. As people cannot control everything, they prefer this kind of idea that places everything under one rule, exactly as the Bible describes that it will happen. It says in the book of Revelation that everyone (who doesn’t follow God) will follow the beast. “And I saw one of his heads as if it had been mortally wounded, and his deadly wound was healed. And all the world marveled and followed the beast” (Revelation 13:3). “It was granted to him to make war with the saints and to overcome them. And authority was given him over every tribe, tongue, and nation” (Revelation 13:7).

This passage describes the world getting united but under the wrong rule and person. We see this kind of idea being planted and promoted today. No one obviously knows and understands the consequences of it. There’s nothing wrong with coming together, but when God is excluded, then it is not a good way.

Speaking about these ideologies and movements, I am not saying either that any other human rule or idea is better. We mustn’t place our trust in men when it comes to this. The best way is God’s way, and His rule is the best one. We need to place our trust in Him in each circumstance. All the human kingdoms and rulers will fall, but His kingdom will endure forever.

“And in the days of these kings the God of heaven will set up a kingdom which shall never be destroyed; and the kingdom shall not be left to other people; it shall break in pieces and consume all these kingdoms, and it shall stand forever.” (Daniel 2:44)

“I was watching in the night visions, and behold, One like the Son of Man, coming with the clouds of heaven! He came to the Ancient of Days, and they brought Him near before Him. Then to Him was given dominion and glory and a kingdom, that all peoples, nations, and languages should serve Him. His dominion is an everlasting dominion, which shall not pass away, and His kingdom the one which shall not be destroyed” (Daniel 7:13-14).

Even if men want to, they will never be able to bring perfection into this world. The ultimate perfection will come with the rule of Christ over everything. Our main duty is not to be against anyone but to trust in Him and to proclaim His kingdom so that more people can hear and come to Him. This is the only way the kingdom of darkness can be defeated.






     Each person today can do most of the things that were considered as taboo before, but the problem is that no one is warning them, I mean to tell them that this will damage them, because it is something wrong. We need to know that God didn’t invent the commandments because He wanted to invent some rules just for the sake of it. I mean that He didn’t do that just to enjoy something, but for our own good. Because each wrong that we do, is actually damaging us, it is hurting us. And He doesn’t want us to get hurt. He knows that better than anyone and that’s why He wants to save us and give us the best.

     In today’s days the world is moving in one direction. There is this oneness and unity and as soon as something new is accepted by someone or by some country, it gets soon accepted by everyone else. Now we see that some drugs for example have been legalized. Prostitution is also legal in some countries. Things that have been obviously done always since the beginnings, but the difference is that people before at least knew that those things were wrong. I mean that they knew clearly that they were in the wrong while doing those things.

      Doing these things today is nothing more than just a part of the choice of life everyone can make. The difference is that when you know something is wrong, you at least can somehow acknowledge it as a sin, as something wrong and repent. That’s why the law is needed as also the Bible tells us.

“But we know that the law is good if one uses it lawfully,” 1 Timothy 1:8
“Therefore the law was our tutor to bring us to Christ, that we might be justified by faith.”              Galatians 3:24

     This is the purpose of the law – to show our reality of sin, to reveal our sin, so that we can know that we’ve broken His laws and to repent. But how someone can do that today, if many of the things that are wrong in God’s eyes are considered as something right. Who is going to be brave enough to reveal to people their wrong deeds showing them that they are wrong? It can not be done easy in our days as it means that you are entering in someone’s private space and judging his rights. These are today’s greatest values – the human rights. And this is produced obviously, because of those rights being abused in the past. Along with the other reasons for that, there were also people doing things in the name of God in an incorrect way, with the wrong concept and understanding. This obviously has produced this turning away from the truth and placing human rights at first place. This happens when the truth is not exposed in the right way.

      All of this legalization of what before was considered as something wrong, such as the prostitution and the drugs can in part make the things easier for the governments as they will start to control all of this activity and you won’t get anymore people hiding and performing other criminal activity in order to do that. Also the income of all these activities will go directly in the pockets of the governments and not only certain people will get rich, but the whole system. It looks much more controlled and monitored and that’s why the whole system is pushing to impose this system all over and as the globalization is in its march, it soon will get everywhere, I mean that many countries will follow up what the others are doing as well. All of this looks good, but as we said, the wrong side of this, is that we won’t know anymore what is wrong and what not.

      And this is the problem. Just think about it. I don’t want to be pessimist, but if what was considered as taboo 30 years ago and now is normal, what will happen in the future with what now is considered as taboo? Will it get legalized as well or it will be accepted as something normal? Will it become just a matter of choice? Things that now are considered as something unthinkable and unacceptable. This is a scary thought, but it might happen if the most important now are the human rights that are founded on human concepts and feelings. As Matthew 24:12 says that in the last times the lawlessness will increase.

     “And because lawlessness will abound, the love of many will grow cold. But he who endures to the end shall be saved. And this gospel of the kingdom will be preached in all the world as a witness to all the nations, and then the end will come.”    Matthew 24:12-14

     I believe this is the lawlessness we are talking about. The lawlessness in front of God. The way He sees it. The right way. Not in front of a human tribunal. It won’t probably consist of people just not respecting the authorities, but not respecting God’s law. And why? Because this will be the way and direction the world will go. Something that we already see now. Totally against the God’s law.
We can add to this the same-sex marriages also. Something against our nature and how God has established the things to be, are now considered as something normal, as a matter of choice, a human choice. I am not saying that God doesn’t love the homosexuals or that we need to reject them. On the contrary we need to show them God’s love and show them that there is still opportunity for them to repent. They need that as much as anyone else on this planet, because everyone is a sinner and needs to repent and accept the truth.

     There is nothing wrong with being united, because also the Bible speaks about getting united, but in the right cause, in the name of Jesus. People do that, but in the name of the humanity, in the name of man and rejecting and leaving God aside. Something similar happened a long time ago when the people were trying to build the tower of Babel.

     “Now the whole earth had one language and one speech. And it came to pass, as they journeyed from the east, that they found a plain in the land of Shinar, and they dwelt there. Then they said to one another, ‘Come, let us make bricks and bake them thoroughly.” They had brick for stone, and they had asphalt for mortar. And they said, “Come let us build ourselves a city, and a tower whose top is in the heavens; let us make a name for ourselves, lest we be scattered abroad over the face of the whole earth.”     Genesis 11:1-4

     We know that after this in the following verses God confused their language and they couldn’t understand anymore each other. All of this because they were not united in the right way and with the right purpose. The Bible says that they wanted to make a name for themselves, meaning that they wanted to do it for their glory and wanted to be like God. Something very similar to what is happening now. People are getting united. There is this sense of unity. We see it and we hear about it everywhere. It is not yet, but it is like the whole humanity has set this goal in front of them. Apparently there is nothing wrong in being united and I am not saying anything against it. I am just discussing about the reason for which the human kind is getting united. People indeed will be united one day, where no nation and no color will be important and all of them will be one in the name of the Lord, but this is heaven and there they will be together in the name of the Lord. What is wrong is when people are getting united in their own name and excluding the Lord. When the general movement of this unity is excluding the Lord and in a way is compelling for whoever belongs to this movement to do the same.

     The problem is that this movement goes to the opposite direction of the Lord’s principles and teachings. So if someone would like to believe in God, will be suppressed and if all the direction and everyone goes into that way, then it will be difficult for someone to hear the word and believe. Because how is that someone believes? When he hears the word transmitted to him, when he hears about this God who is mighty to save. The gospel is meant to be shared. The culture in which we live is of huge importance. If our culture has christian values and the gospel is been shared then obviously people will hear about God and will believe. But if the culture or the educational system in which we live, doesn’t allow this to happen, then obviously less and less people will accept and believe. Cultural influence regarding Christianity is not everything, as on one side people can get used to it and take it as something granted, but it is obviously important as if we don’t have it, then the risk is that less people will hear clearly about the truth and few can consider it as something important.

    And obviously I am speaking of what might happen in the future, but the way things are going it looks like this time is close to be. The influence and the environment in which we live is playing an important part. It is not obviously everything, but it’s important. The Christian education and influence are important. Obviously it is not everything, but how are the people going to look or consider the love of God if the belief in these present times is to be more selfish and to look out only for yourself. Obviously they will not always plainly tell you that you need to be selfish, but you will receive an answer like: “you can be whatever you want, you only need to pursue your idea and your dreams”. There is not always wrong with having an ambitions and dreams, but the fact here is that someone can be whatever he wants or do whatever he wants, but without considering much his neighbor, without considering if that might hurt or offend the other person. In this way this idea is selfish, the idea of being and doing only what we like. Obviously God doesn’t want us only to suffer and not to feel pleasure at all. The pleasure is included in His will. We feel the real pleasure when we please Him with our life. But this pleasure that the world promises us by following its ideas, is not good. We feel much better when we feel the pleasure of being with God and serving and pleasing Him. He is the missing part in us humans.

     I don’t want to be expecting too much, but that’s why Christian persons in the politics are needed sometimes, even though some people don’t agree that Christians must be involved in politics, but this is needed in order to bring these values to the system and to a place where they can influence a lot more, because to this is what God has called us to – to influence in a positive way the other people in our environment toward the gospel. To influence this society. So in any way we influence it, that’s good, not using obviously ungodly and unlawful methods. That’s why the believers are called the salt and the light of this world. Obviously in times in which we are living this can happen with difficulties as now the political and the governing systems are not autonomous as before, as they depend on what this world movement is doing. If everyone else is going to that direction, so they also have to. So if in the past some Christians had the opportunity to hold important roles and places in the society in order to influence the people in a positive and Christian way, now is much harder for this to happen.

     From the other side we can see also that because of people understanding the religion in the wrong way and acting in a wrong way, the religion has become a reason for wars and violence. Something that God is against, because He obviously offers forgiveness through Jesus. Nevertheless what happens gives a reason for people to think that a religion is the main reason for conflicts to happen and that’s why in these new times to come, they want to remove it. This will definitely be a problem for the human kind. Not only a problem in their lifestyle, but in front of God.
Seeing all of this, we can conclude that the end is approaching. We can not say when exactly and maybe it won’t happen tomorrow, maybe there will be still couple of generations or maybe not, we don’t know, but the way things are going we can see this event approaching. The end will come when there will be complete ungodliness and when the lawlessness will be at its peak. This is the direction the world is going to. I say again that by lawlessness I don’t mean only havoc and criminal activity, but something going against the law of God in everything and in its entire system. What is evil has become good for us and what good – evil. These are the signs that define that the end times are approaching, not only the new viruses and wars coming into the scene. We know that these things will also happen at the end and have been always happening, but the greatest evidence is the way and the reasoning with which this world is going. When the virus came first, many people thought that this is an evidence for the end, but this is something else and these sort of things will also accompany the end times. What really shows us that the end is approaching is the way the human race reasons and the general idea of the world today. They’ve been always having this idea and the man obviously is been always a sinner, but this idea, the one that excludes God, is now being promoted by the society and by the law. That makes the difference.

     “But know this, that in the last days perilous times will come: For men will be lovers of themselves, lovers of money, boasters, proud, blasphemers, disobedient to parents, unthankful, unholy, unloving, unforgiving, slanderers, without self-control, brutal, despisers of good, traitors, headstrong, haughty, lovers of pleasure rather than lovers of God, having a form of godliness but denying its power. And from such people turn away!”     2 Timothy 3:1-5

     Here we see a description of apostle Paul of how the people will be in the last days. Something so common to what the society in general is today. I am not saying that all the people are in this way, but that this is the general idea of how the people behave today. This is a sign of end times. The way the culture and the idea of the world is going.

    “Righteousness exalts a nation, but sin is a reproach to any people.”    Proverbs 14:34

    “Why do the nations rage, And the people plot a vain thing?
The kings of the earth set themselves, And the rulers take counsel together, Against the Lord and against His Anointed, saying, “Let us break Their bonds in pieces And cast away Their cords from us.”

    He who sits in the heavens shall laugh; The Lord shall hold them in derision.
Then He shall speak to them in His wrath, And distress them in His deep displeasure:
“Yet I have set My King On My holy hill of Zion.”

“I will declare the decree: The Lord has said to Me, ‘You are My Son, Today I have begotten You.
Ask of Me, and I will give You The nations for Your inheritance, And the ends of the earth for Your possession.

 You shall break them with a rod of iron; You shall dash them to pieces like a potter’s vessel.’ ”
Now therefore, be wise, O kings; Be instructed, you judges of the earth.
Serve the Lord with fear, And rejoice with trembling.

 Kiss the Son, lest He be angry, And you perish in the way, When His wrath is kindled but a little. Blessed are all those who put their trust in Him.”    Psalms 2:1-12

      This is what the nations have always desired to do and in today’s days more than ever – to stray from the Lord and to be independent from Him. To be as far as they can be. Even if they actually don’t fully realize it, the spirit in them is against Him and is continuously straying form the Lord. This is what our flesh wants to do – to live for itself and not to believe and submit to the Lord. It is the spirit of this world and the evil coming form the devil, but it is also our own being and flesh that strays from the Lord. Looking at each person singularly to the whole nation, they all want to stray from the Lord. Because a nation is composed by persons, so the spirit and the ideology of these persons will define that nation. The purpose is that He can reach each one of those nations. And this is what will happen. He will bring justice to those who have been against His laws and statutes, but will bring eternal peace to those who have believed in His name and honored Him.

     “And the nations were enraged, and Your wrath came, and the time came for the dead to be judged, and the time to reward Your bondservants the prophets and the saints and those who fear Your name, the small and the great, and to destroy those who destroy the earth.”   Revelation 11:18

     One day every tongue will confess that Jesus is the Lord and each knee will bow down and will acknowledge Him. What will remain from these nations will be those who have acknowledged Him.
 “Yes, all kings shall fall down before Him; all the nations shall serve Him.”   Psalm 72:11

 “His name shall endure forever; His name shall continue as long as the sun. And men shall be blessed in Him; all nations shall call Him blessed.”    Psalm 72:17

   When I speak about a new world order, I am not referring to any particular group or society that is bringing that in. Even if there are groups or societies that want to do that, it is not actually them doing it, but the spirit of this world who lives in the sons of disobedience who do not know God as Ephesians 2:2 states:

  “in which you once walked according to the course of this world, according to the prince of the power of the air, the spirit who now works in the sons of disobedience,”

    And this in general is everyone who doesn’t know God and doesn’t have His Spirit in his heart. Someone might be thinking that the present condition we are in, is a fault of some group or a persons or a country or society and if they were not there, then things were going to be in a better way. Our battle though, as Ephesians 6:12 describes it, is not against flesh or blood, meaning that it is not against persons and it is not their fault. It is the spirit of this world, the spirit of the air that moves all of these persons and world rulers and also other common persons to take the decisions they are taking. If they were not there, then surely someone else was going to do it. This new world movement however wants to exclude God from the society and from the culture in general.

   More than any other religion, the Christianity is been restricted and suffers assaults in today’s days. We are not speaking about places where evidently the Christianity is persecuted, but even places where the Christianity was the main belief. Everyone is having rights, but often it is not so when it comes to the Christian faith.

    In today’s days we can also see something else coming on the political scene. Obviously as we said, it is not just political parties or ideology we are talking about here, but the spirit behind those events. We see that the world is busy directing itself into a socialistic orientated movement. Why am I saying that? Because we see this kind of unity and desire for a social justice and equality coming up. Look, there is nothing wrong with that and there are some very good values we can find in the socialism. I am not expressing myself against it, I am against the spirit standing behind it. The problem, as we said, is when you exclude God from all this movement. It was God who started this kind of unity and equality as we read it in the book of Acts. There we see the first believers breaking together the bread and sharing all of their possessions amongst them. (Acts 4:34)

   “For I do not mean that others should be eased and you burdened; but by an equality, that now at this time your abundance may supply their lack, that their abundance also may supply your lack – that there may be equality. As it is written, “He who gathered much had nothing left over, and he who gathered little had no lack.”   2 Corinthians 8:13-15

    People after took this idea and created communism and socialism, but without placing God in its center. On the contrary they excluded Him. And when you don’t place Him in the center, then problems and confusion come. Then it is built just on a human ideology. Many of the political parties are having good ideas, the problem is that God is been left aside. This kind of idea however in the past was always against the belief in God and the Christian faith. Now is about to happen the same and this ideology of communism and socialism is coming back. Why? Because everyone is craving for unity and this is the way to accomplish it. The desire of people for the future is to subject everything under one system. This is just a theory and I am not saying that it will be exactly in this way, but I am just observing the present situation. As the people can not control everything, they prefer this kind of idea that place everything under one rule, exactly as the Bible describes that it will happen. It says in the book of Revelation that everyone (who doesn’t follow God) will follow the beast.

   “And I saw one of his heads as if it had been mortally wounded, and his deadly wound was healed. And all the world marveled and followed the beast.”   Revelation 13:3

   “It was granted to him to make war with the saints and to overcome them. And authority was given him over every tribe, tongue, and nation”    Revelation 13:7

    This is the world getting united but under the wrong rule and person. We anyway see in these days this kind of idea being planted and promoted. No one obviously knows and understands the consequences of it. Nothing wrong with coming together, but when God is been excluded, then yes, it is not a good way.

   Speaking about this kind of ideologies and movements, I am not saying either that any other human rule or idea is better. We mustn’t place our trust in men when it comes to this. The best way is the God’s way and His rule is the best one. We need to place our trust in Him in each circumstance. All the human kingdoms and rules will fall, but His kingdom will endure forever. (Daniel 2:44, Daniel 7:13,14)

    “I was watching in the night visions, and behold, One like the Son of Man, coming with the clouds of heaven! He came to the Ancient of Days, and they brought Him near before Him.

    Then to Him was given dominion and glory and a kingdom, that all peoples, nations, and languages should serve Him.

    His dominion is an everlasting dominion, which shall not pass away, and His kingdom the one which shall not be destroyed.”    Daniel 7:13,14

   Even if men want, they will never be able to bring perfection into this world. The ultimate perfection will come with the rule of Christ over everything. Our main duty is not to be against anyone but to trust in Him and to proclaim His kingdom, so that more people can hear and come to Him. This is the only way the kingdom of darkness can be defeated.